Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Top ten...well not really

I was going to check what the top ten most downloaded ps1 classics were, but I decided to use Media Go, the Playstation application used to access their store from a computer, and because of that I don't have that information.

Every time I tried to connect to the store an error occurred. Others have had the same problem if the forums are any indication. The solution? Well its simple. Here is what I found works from a post on the Playstation forums by WA7JK:

"FIX: Go into control panel, click add/remove programs, and remove MediaGo. Reboot and reinstall MediaGo. If this doesn't fix it, then you'll have to go back and do it again except this time you must remove the Playstation files. Reboot and reinstall both and MediaGo should allow you to connect to PSN.

WARNING !!! Before you delete any files make sure your downloads are backed up. You wouldn't want to erase them accidently. Make another folder on your computer named "Stuff", place it on your Desktop, and move all of your saved files to it. You can easily move them back once you get things going again."

See very simple and user friendly. All sarcasm aside, the guys at Playstation need to improve this application or find an easier way for consumers to purchase their online content.

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